Friday, January 07, 2005

Status Report January 7, 2005.

New Comic Strips: currently under production albeit slowly. Inspired by the memory of my idol Will Eisner, I worked on finishing my 2nd installment of ReMNaNTS the other night. I hope to finish it off this weekend.

New Book: Finally made some great steps on this. I got a new scanner and my wife got a new laptop running the current Mac OS. (My old Mac is stuck in the dark ages of 9.2) so it will be easier to create this mamoth tome.

New Website: slowly doodling up some ideas. This has been difficult for me for some reason. This will be a priority for 2005, I promise!

Curling Club Anniversary Video project: Underway. This will probably take up a bunch of my time this year. I have already filmed over 2 hours of footage for this with a bunch more to go in the second half of the season here!

Flaming Schwarzkopf Experience: I have dusted off some of the old master tapes and have been playing with them using software called PEAK. My hope is to put together a CD of some sort. Just for fun, but you never know! I am also playing around a bit with Garageband on Emily's iBook so I might just add or re-mix some tracks.

As always these plans are subject to change due to unforeseen Godzilla™ related turbulance and of course teeming toddler intensity of Alena, Child Prodigy™.

Talk to you all soon!



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