Saturday, December 20, 2003

Howdy again folks. its been a bit, but I have been busy. The little bug (Alena) has been sick this past week with a chest cold so I have had to make a few doctor visits. She's doing fine and remains her smiley little self, but has her moments of crankiness when she is hungry or tired. I haven't gotten much in the way of drawing done lately, but I did manage to sneak in a few movies since I last posted.

I finally got out to see MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. I liked it, but was left with more questions than answers at the end. For a movie that was being promoted with the tagline "Everything that has a beginning has an ending." I must have missed it. It really left things up in the air.

Far more satisfying was the incredible finale to the LORD OF THE RINGS. The Return Of The King was easily the second best of the trilogy and was close to the first one. One thing that really struck me about this film was that the story's focus seemed to shift from Frodo and his terrible burden/mission to Sam's unfailing loyalty and friendship. Indeed friendship and teamwork really seemed to be the underlying themes overall. It is rare when a film in this genre actually hits an emotional chord, but this one did. There has been a lot of criticism about the ending (or should I say endings!), but they didn't really bother me that much. It was nice to see some bright moments after so much darkness and struggle for the characters. It really showed what they were fighting for.

Well, that's it for now,


PS. Check out the links on the left side here. I have added a link to email me so feel free to send me your opinions on Matrix or LOTR if you want. Hopefully i will have some progress to post soon.


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