Wednesday, March 10, 2004

hey gang, sorry I haven't posted in a bit. I have been pretty busy. I wish I could say I have been busy drawing, but that'd be a lie.

I have a lot to catch up on.

First, and most heartbreakingly, our little bundle of love, Maggie, my wife's pet chihuahua of 13 years, passed away suddenly on February 22. we are still in shock and miss her very much. Anyone who ever met her knows how wonderful she really was.

I guessed 19 out ot 23 categories right this year to win the Oscar Pool. It was a far cry better than last year when I only got 5 right!

Finally saw BUBBA HO-TEP starring Bruce Campbell as a geriatric Elvis teaming up with Ossie Davis as JFK to fight an undead mummy who is stealing the souls of hapless convalescents at their nursing home. This movie rocked in so many ways! If you get an opportunity to see it, please do won't regret it!

In other sad news, I dismantled my Dougside store tonight. I hadn't done much with it in a while and hadn't made any sales in a while either. I AM planning on re-launching it sometime in the near future with a much better focus. It was a bit of a mishmash. Thanks to all of you who did support it, I appreciate it.

Well, time for bed talk to you soon, hopefully with some better news.



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