Monday, July 26, 2004

Hey, Check this out!, My new friend Doug Millison runs a page exclusively with "Doug Content". He recently added a link to my comics site, Tales From the Dougside so return the favor and check out his site. A lot of fun, if I do say so myself!

Saturday night I sat down for about 20 minutes at the drawing table and scraped together a quick cartoon for a buddy of mine John Q. Adams III. He has the distinct honor of being the only person who has purchased original Dougside comic strip art from me. He bought both of my "Bread and Water" strips a few years back and we keep in touch sporadically. Anyway, he and a friend run a website devoted to cartoons about those pesky insects: Silverfish. I promised him a cartoon for the on-line gallery a while back and finally sat down to do it. I don't know how long it will take for him to post it up on his site, but you can check out his site here.

That's all for now,


Friday, July 23, 2004

Howdy gang,

do you believe in kismet? Synchronicity? Espn? Something strange happened the other day, perhaps just a case of collective unconscious. I took my sketchbook to work since I would be dining alone for lunch. i figured that I could sketch out some new ideas for a comic strip. I hit upon an idea that came to me out of the blue, though quite possibly fostered by having recently taken in Farenheit 9/11 at the cinema. I won't give away too much about it except to say that it involved Dan Quayle, former Veep of the US under W's padre. Okay, so its been a while since anyone has mentioned DQ, but I thought that it would be a good punchline for a strip. No strangeness there.

Fast forward to dinner that night. Emily and I were sitting at the table having some fresh homemade soup that I whipped up in the crock pot when she began to tell me about her day. She casually slipped into conversation that she had, for some reason unbeknownst to her, been thinking about DAN QUAYLE and what he has been up to! Needless to say my mouth dropped and i immeadiately got up from the table to grab my sketchbook to show her the strip Idea that I had been workin on at lunchtime that very day (about the same time she said she'd been thinking of DQ)! Talk about weird! So how about it, anyone else out there think of Dan Quayle lately? or on Wednesday around lunchtime?

It's a strange land in which we live.

Don't forget to vote this November,


Now playing on my iPod: Why Don't You Like Me by Frank Zappa from Broadway The Hard Way

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Another one bites the dust!

Yes that's right friends, I stayed up late and put the finishing touches on my latest cartoon last night! This one only took me less than 2 months to finish! Actually I do have a small amount of work left to do on it. Just using some white out to clean it up a bit and make it more presentable, but that shouldn't take me too long. I'll get that done tonight hopefully, and then move on to the next one! I am slowly making a small pile of new cartoons that I can put into Anti-Social Lawnmower so it is taking shape. I want to have about 15-20 pages of new cartoons for the book, so I am almost halfway there!

In unrelated novelty goodness, check out this link for what has to be the goofiest idea ever...and it is absolutely true! Yes, of course, I speak of EVIL DEAD: The Musical!

have a groovy day,


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Went home at lunch today and decided to put some tone on my latest cartoon. A good start to finishing it. I felt it needed something more and couldn't decide what it was. Then I remembered some funky tone sheet remnants I had that would be perfect for conveying the mood I wanted. Score! Hope to finish it tonight! Then move on to the next one. A lot on my plate.

Duty now,


Not much new to report today. i did start sketching a new layout for a new comic strip. i now have 3 or 4 roughs in my sketchbook of new comic strips that i need to get to and finish on the good paper. i will get to them eventually. I need more material for my next book which is coming together at a glacial pace, but even glaciers created some cool stuff after a while.
Talk to you all soon!

Duty Now,


Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm mad. And that's a fact.

Last night I finally went to see what may be the most important film of
the year, Farrenheit 9/11 and I found myself simmering
and seething as the film went along. It wasn't so much what I was
seeing, but what I had forgotten in the last few years since that
fateful day in September 2001. Michael Moore reminded me of why George
Bush is not a man who should be president of this country. I am sorry
that you may be offended by that statement, but the man is less
qualified than a chimp to be in office. Michael Moore didn't have to
put a spin on it or show things out of context to prove it either. Just
by showing us things that didn't make it to the news he held up the
Dorian Gray-like painting that is G.W. Good looking to the outside
world, but a shallow decaying husk on the inside. I would urge you to
see this film if you haven't already. If you are a Republican you
should go see it too. This is a very powerful film with real human
emotion. Some of the imagery of the war in Iraq is a bit gruesome, but
is necessary to show the horror and senselessness of it all. There is
no good reason to be in Iraq at all, unless you are a big money friend
of G.W.

The political climate in this country is such that my wife's professed
Republican boss called her a communist for wanting to go see this film.
He claimed he was joking, but isn't democracy about having choices and
the ability to make those choices for yourself? After the movie we were
walking back to the car in the parking lot and Emily was afraid to
discuss the film in public because she couldn't be sure who was
listening and didn't want trouble. Where has this fear come from? We
are supposed to feel safer now, but our rights have been trampled by
the "Patriot Act" to the point where we don't feel comfortable enough
to discuss a political film in public, lest we be branded a "communist"
and "unpatriotic". I am sorry, but I love this country very much and I
refuse to let it get flushed down the toilet after G.W. is done
crapping on it.

I don't care if you vote for G.W. or not, but you must vote. This
election in November is waaaaay too important for the future of this
country. So get out and vote. If you aren't registered to vote, please
do so. It is supremely easy and takes just a few minutes of your time.
Many young men and women have sacrificed their lives to give us the
freedom to choose our leaders. Please honor their memory by getting out
to vote this November.

Alright, enough soapboxing.

My comic strip adventure continues slowly. I hope to get some more work
done this weekend. We shall see. I will continue to keep you apprised
of any progress.

Feeling better now that I have vented,


Monday, July 12, 2004

My goodness, has it already been almost 2 weeks since my last post? Things have been very hectic with the holiday and then I got sick. Work has been killer of late and I just haven't felt up to the challenge of blogging or otherwise. Suffice it to say I never did get to post a review of Spiderman 2, but by now I'm sure you've all seen it about 3 times anyway. I've gotten next to nothing done on the drawing front, though I did scan in the design idea I had for my new website. I just need to doctor it up a bit and then I can post it up! After that the real fun of coding HTML begins!

Alrighty then,


Now playing on my iPod: It Doesn't Matter To Me by DEVO

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Howdy hey folks,

Not a whole lot to report except that I drew up something for my new website the other day. I think I like it enough to use it. I'll be posting my review of Spiderman 2 later.

peace out,
